
See what our patients are saying…

jose image


Shoulder Pain Jose suffered for months with shoulder pain and limited range of motion. This made it hard to perform his physical job and do the things he enjoyed. Nothing was helpi...

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Shoulder Pain

Jose suffered for months with shoulder pain and limited range of motion. This made it hard to perform his physical job and do the things he enjoyed. Nothing was helping him. After one adjustment his shoulder pain was gone and has not returned. If you suffer with extremity pain and have not had the structure evaluated by a corrective care chiropractor, you may be suffering needlessly.

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High Blood Pressure, A-fib, Tachycardia, Pre-diabetes, and swollen ankles Harry suffered with high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, swollen ankles, tachycardia, A-fib, shoulder pain a...

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High Blood Pressure, A-fib, Tachycardia, Pre-diabetes, and swollen ankles

Harry suffered with high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, swollen ankles, tachycardia, A-fib, shoulder pain and back pain. After being under chiropractic care for only a couple months he is off all his medication, has normal blood pressure, no swelling in his ankles, better balance, less shoulder pain, better range of motion, and more energy!

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Gynecological Issues For the past 2 years, my menstrual cycle has been off for reasons I could not explain. I went to see my gynecologist and he checked me out and told me that he...

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Gynecological Issues

For the past 2 years, my menstrual cycle has been off for reasons I could not explain. I went to see my gynecologist and he checked me out and told me that he could not find anything wrong with me.

For the next year, I continued to have problems back and forth and it became bothersome with pain, aches in my joints and emotions all over the place.

Beginning in 2016 I thought I was back to my old cycle of being on time until April hit. I started on April 3 and I continued to have my cycle every 2 weeks for 4 months.

I began seeing Dr. Tyler on August 22nd and I feel so much better. I sleep better, more relaxed and most of my aches and pains are gone. I know I have a long way to go and I am hoping that my cycle will become more regular and everything will improve.

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Ear Infections Julie brought her daughter in after suffering with constant ear infections. They had recommended surgery to address the her symptoms. Julie did not know how specific...

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Ear Infections

Julie brought her daughter in after suffering with constant ear infections. They had recommended surgery to address the her symptoms. Julie did not know how specific upper cervical adjustments could remove subluxation and increase the nervous system function allowing the fluid from the ear to drain naturally without surgery addressing the cause of the infections instead of just the symptoms. Her daughter never had ear surgery and has been ear infection free for years!

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Ed B

I first discovered chiropractic as a younger man and was familiar with the inside out model of wellness. I truly believe in the benefits of chiropractic as a way to get well and st...

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Ed B

I first discovered chiropractic as a younger man and was familiar with the inside out model of wellness. I truly believe in the benefits of chiropractic as a way to get well and stay well. When my Dr. recommended McClimon Chiropractic for my young daughter who was suffering from ear infections, I was totally on board. A refreshing alternative to the usual referrals, a chiropractic consult really made sense.

My daughter’s health brought me through the door however, I too am a patient of Dr. McClimon, and feel better than ever. Previously I just dealt with the back pain, digestive issues and the pressure I felt in the back of my head as a way of life.

Now I am enjoying relief from the symptoms I previously had and my vision has even improved all as a result of being under Chiropractic care.

My future health and a new healthy lifestyle which includes seeing a chiropractor will most certainly keep me in better condition and my family too.

I absolutely will share the good news with everyone that chiropractic really works!

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Headaches Michele used to have headaches regularly and now after continued chiropractic care she hasn’t had a headache in 12 years and is off all medication!!

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Michele used to have headaches regularly and now after continued chiropractic care she hasn’t had a headache in 12 years and is off all medication!!

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Sciatica I started out having back problems and I was previously diagnosed with Sciatica and went through the protocols that were advised by my doctor. So I was scheduled for physi...

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I started out having back problems and I was previously diagnosed with Sciatica and went through the protocols that were advised by my doctor. So I was scheduled for physical therapy and placed on anti-inflammatory medications. After a while on this plan, it was obviously not working so while driving by your office every day, I decided to see what chiropractic was all about.

What I have learned since I was diagnosed with Sciatica, is the problem was an imbalance in my lower spine and hips that was causing subluxation. I now no longer feel pain down the back of my leg. I generally feel more energized and I rarely get sick since getting my adjustments.

I am maintaining wellness through biweekly adjustments and I would like to share with everyone the benefits and help them understand Chiropractic Care. I would like to share this knowledge so they can make an informed decision about their health care and I believe that anyone and everyone should be checked for subluxation.

Jane G.


Jane G.



Low Back Pain Krista had low back pain and after being under care for a short time is pain free!!


Low Back Pain

Krista had low back pain and after being under care for a short time is pain free!!

craig image


Shoulder Pain Prior to becoming a patient at McClimon Chiropractic I was diagnosed by my family doctor with “frozen” shoulder. My socket would hardly move at all and I could barely...

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Shoulder Pain
Prior to becoming a patient at McClimon Chiropractic I was diagnosed by my family doctor with “frozen” shoulder. My socket would hardly move at all and I could barely lift my left arm horizontal and could not rotate the joint.

I heard about McClimon Chiropractic through my family most of who have been coming to Dr. Tyler for quite a while. My family doctor had told me to take Advil for the pain and to use heat/cold as needed but it did not work.

After becoming a patient I learned that I have some long-term arthritis that will always cause some issues. Over the past year, Dr. Tyler has worked with me steadily to free-up my shoulder. I can now move both of my arms, the same amount, with little effort and very minor pain.

I see myself using chiropractic adjustments in the future by maintaining my adjustment schedule indefinitely. I will share my personal story with anyone who will listen and feel that my wife would benefit from a chiropractic checkup and am working on getting her in here.