
See what our patients are saying…

Jane G.


Jane G.


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I started out having back problems and I was previously diagnosed with Sciatica and went through the protocols that were advised by my doctor. So I was scheduled for physi...

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I started out having back problems and I was previously diagnosed with Sciatica and went through the protocols that were advised by my doctor. So I was scheduled for physical therapy and placed on anti-inflammatory medications. After a while on this plan, it was obviously not working so while driving by your office every day, I decided to see what chiropractic was all about.

What I have learned since I was diagnosed with Sciatica, is the problem was an imbalance in my lower spine and hips that was causing subluxation. I now no longer feel pain down the back of my leg. I generally feel more energized and I rarely get sick since getting my adjustments.

I am maintaining wellness through biweekly adjustments and I would like to share with everyone the benefits and help them understand Chiropractic Care. I would like to share this knowledge so they can make an informed decision about their health care and I believe that anyone and everyone should be checked for subluxation.

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Gynecological Issues
For the past 2 years, my menstrual cycle has been off for reasons I could not explain. I went to see my gynecologist and he checked me out and told me that he ...

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Gynecological Issues

For the past 2 years, my menstrual cycle has been off for reasons I could not explain. I went to see my gynecologist and he checked me out and told me that he could not find anything wrong with me.

For the next year, I continued to have problems back and forth and it became bothersome with pain, aches in my joints and emotions all over the place.

Beginning in 2016 I thought I was back to my old cycle of being on time until April hit. I started on April 3 and I continued to have my cycle every 2 weeks for 4 months.

I began seeing Dr. Tyler on August 22nd and I feel so much better. I sleep better, more relaxed and most of my aches and pains are gone. I know I have a long way to go and I am hoping that my cycle will become more regular and everything will improve.

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High Blood Pressure, A-fib, Tachycardia, Pre-diabetes, and swollen ankles
Harry suffered with high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, swollen ankles, tachycardia, A-fib, shoulder pain a...

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High Blood Pressure, A-fib, Tachycardia, Pre-diabetes, and swollen ankles

Harry suffered with high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, swollen ankles, tachycardia, A-fib, shoulder pain and back pain. After being under chiropractic care for only a couple months he is off all his medication, has normal blood pressure, no swelling in his ankles, better balance, less shoulder pain, better range of motion, and more energy!


Neck Pain
I’ve been seeing Dr. Tyler for several months. What a difference he has made in my life! I lived with chronic pain for years and my family doctor sent me to pain manageme...

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Neck Pain
I’ve been seeing Dr. Tyler for several months. What a difference he has made in my life! I lived with chronic pain for years and my family doctor sent me to pain management. After 40 shots, 16 nerve blocks and 3 epidurals I was still suffering. Then I met Dr. Tyler who said he could help me. I was very skeptical and was thinking “I really don’t think you can help me.” WAS I WRONG! Not only am I not suffering in pain anymore but I have gotten benefits from my care that I wasn’t expecting. My circulation has improved, I have more energy, and I no longer have to deal with the weight gain from the steroid injections and I haven’t had a headache since I started seeing him. I cannot thank him enough and wish I would have met him sooner! ITS AMAZING TO WAKE UP WITH NO PAIN!

Gring Family

Lower back pains

Gring Family

Lower back pains

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
David suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome for years. It was affecting his ability to work and his daily life. Now, he is pain free without surgery!!


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

David suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome for years. It was affecting his ability to work and his daily life. Now, he is pain free without surgery!!

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Back Pain & Migraines


Back Pain & Migraines

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Ed B

I first discovered chiropractic as a younger man and was familiar with the inside out model of wellness. I truly believe in the benefits of chiropractic as a way to get well and st...

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Ed B

I first discovered chiropractic as a younger man and was familiar with the inside out model of wellness. I truly believe in the benefits of chiropractic as a way to get well and stay well. When my Dr. recommended McClimon Chiropractic for my young daughter who was suffering from ear infections, I was totally on board. A refreshing alternative to the usual referrals, a chiropractic consult really made sense.

My daughter’s health brought me through the door however, I too am a patient of Dr. McClimon, and feel better than ever. Previously I just dealt with the back pain, digestive issues and the pressure I felt in the back of my head as a way of life.

Now I am enjoying relief from the symptoms I previously had and my vision has even improved all as a result of being under Chiropractic care.

My future health and a new healthy lifestyle which includes seeing a chiropractor will most certainly keep me in better condition and my family too.

I absolutely will share the good news with everyone that chiropractic really works!

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Back & Neck Pain
I’ve known Dr. Tyler for approximately twenty years. I had the pleasure of working with Tyler at Daniel Boone High School where Tyler was a student and I was a Tech...

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Back & Neck Pain
I’ve known Dr. Tyler for approximately twenty years. I had the pleasure of working with Tyler at Daniel Boone High School where Tyler was a student and I was a Technology Education instructor. He elected to take a couple of our Technology Education classes. Tyler fabricated some beautiful pieces of furniture while in my Advanced Wood Tech class. We stayed in touch over the years and from him I learned about his chiropractic practice located in Gibraltar.

During the spring of 2012, I herniated a disk in my lower back. I was told that a laminectomy was the only way to solve the problem and relieve the pain that I had. At that point I decided that I should pursue some other treatments before undergoing the surgery. I had tried rest, stretching, icing, and other pain relieving treatments, but nothing really seemed to work. While driving past Dr. Tyler’s’ office, one day in early May, I decided to contact him and see what could be done before I underwent back surgery.

The decision to come in for a consultation and evaluation with Dr. Tyler was life changing for me. Within a couple of weeks of 3x a week adjustments, my pain had decreased to the point where I could get around. In addition to the 3x a week adjustments with Dr. Tyler, I had stretching exercises to do twice a day. As of February of 2013, I have improved to the point where I can do everything I was doing before my accident and more. I still see Dr. Tyler once a week and I am still doing the stretching exercises he prescribed, but at this point I don’t think I’ll need the surgery. He has given me the ability to do the things I want and maintain my lifestyle.

I will continue to see Dr. Tyler for as long as he thinks I will benefit from his care. I believe that his knowledge and technique has given me my life back. Without his care, I wouldn’t be able to lead the active lifestyle that I’ve enjoyed for so long and don’t want to give up.

In my opinion, I believe that before undergoing any type of surgery or treatment that involves the spine, a chiropractic evaluation and adjustments can be invaluable. I would recommend Dr. Tyler and his very competent office staff to anyone who has had problems that can be traced back to subluxation. It has been a pleasure working with them.